Title: A Fantastic Park in Katy for Kids to Play: Exploration Park
General opinion: Exploration Park in Katy is a fantastic place for the kids to play because it has so many things kids can do there. What children love to play the most is the foam blocks. Kids can move the foam blocks within the parks and build things they like. This park just opened in this summer. It's free and open to the public. Open hours: Sunrise to sunset. Address: 15020-, 15048 Cinco Park Rd, Katy, TX 77450, it's behind Sue Creech Elementary school. ( a news said this is $1.7 million park in Cinco Ranch. )
Attractions and activities: It has 1. Picnic Pavillion area: first come, first serve. No reservation for party. 2. Very nice rocking chairs for moms. 3. There are foam blocks for kids to play with. 4. Pipes, slides, swings, very fun seesaw swings, special seesaw, rope climbing star, etc. Be aware: no restroom here although it has water fountains. I suggest the kids use restroom before go to the park.