Title: Venice State Beach In Half Moon Bay, California
Preparation: Address: 400 Venice Blvd Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Venice State Beach is one of the Half Moon Bay State Beach. Half Moon Bay State Beach includes 4 beaches: Francis Beach that is the most popular. Venice beach is less crowded and it has 3 parking lots. Parking is relatively easier. Half Moon Bay State Beach also includes Dunes beach, Roosevelt Beach. There are multiple beaches, a total of about 7 miles. Admission $10 per car. It is good for any of these beaches. What to pack: 1. Sandles or water shoes, towels, paper towels 2. Picnic food, water, drinks 3. Extra clothes for changing. 4. Bring some blanket to sit down or lay down 5. Bring toys to play in the sand. Such as containers to build a sandcastle, etc. In Half Moon Bay, the ocean water is quite cold, so bring extra clothes. We've been to Half Moon Bay 3 times, most of the time it's cloudy, rarely seen sunshine it might be because the Mountain block the ocean moisture in that area that forms clouds and blocking the sunlight. There is a restroom building and also one outdoor showering.
General opinion: it is a great beach to visit. 7 miles
Attractions and activities: From south to north, there is a 7-mile long beach. 1. Sit and lie down on the beach to relax, watching waves and hear the nature wave sound 2. Wading in the ocean water and surfing 3. Play the sand, build sand castles, ec 4. Walking in the sand, barefoot or wear shoes, 5. Biking or running on the trails. 6. Picniking and watching fish boats...
Commute: It is OK to drive there. A little bit of traffic jam is normal during the traffic night near 92 to the Mountain area.... Week day traffic might be better. But it is tolerable in the weekend.
Things I wish I had known before: There is about a non-paved rough road to the beach parking lots but it is fine to drive through.